Home Remedies for Diaper Rash in Children

Tips for Diaper Rash Treatment
Diaper rash is a common skin eruption that appears as a patch work on the skin under the diaper. Every baby has to fight the battle of diaper rash at least once at some point. It makes the baby’s skin red, sore, scaly and tender. Most diaper rashes get cleared up by simple changes in diapering. The most important is to leave your child with a bare bottom so that the skin can breathe and eliminate moisture on its own. Diaper rash is directly related to wet and infrequently changed diapers and skin sensitivity. It can annoy babies making them feel uncomfortable. Diaper rash is an alarm for every parent. It can yet be cured easily by many home remedies such as air drying and ointments.

Here are a few home remedial tips to cure diaper rash for your baby:

1. Vinegar:

Stale urine is like an acid and can burn a baby’s soft skin as it is highly alkaline. To balance this out, vinegar is one of the best home remedy. Mix one tea spoon of vinegar to half cup of water and then dip a wash cloth into the mixture and wipe the baby’s bottom with this. This simple step can be religiously done while changing a baby’s diaper so that your baby’s bottom becomes resistant to yeast. Also, if you are using cloth diapers, it is always advisable to rinse them in vinegar solution. Add half cup of vinegar to half a bucket of water and rinse your baby’s diapers in this vinegar solution as it will help to avoid the smell of urine from the cloth diapers.

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2. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is a white crystalline compound that is used to alkalize the urine and washes away bad cavities. It helps to solve diaper rash problem very effectively and also controls not to over grow the problem.

Mix 2-3 tablespoon of baking soda to 3-4 cups of water. Then take a wash cloth and dip into the solution of baking soda; pat the cloth on the baby’s bottom and then dry the area with another dry wash cloth. You can do this after every diaper change.

3. Petroleum Jelly:

Petroleum jelly is a fantastic diaper rash treatment for babies. It helps to lock in the moisture and prevents the skin from diaper rash. Clean the baby’s bottom after removing a soiled diaper. Let it dry and then apply petroleum jelly before putting on a new diaper. You can do this every time your baby needs a diaper change. This will work wonders and will heal the diaper rash of your baby very quickly.

4. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is gentle enough to cure your baby’s diaper rash. Aloe vera contains an anti-inflammatory, infection fighting property that helps in curing diaper rash. It also has a very skin friendly vitamin E. Slice an aloe vera leaf and take out the gel from it. Apply the gel in the affected area and let it dry before putting the new diaper. You can also buy aloe vera gels from the market but make sure that it is friendly to a baby’s skin.

5. Boroline:

The good old boroline works magic on a baby’s diaper rash.Boroline is an antiseptic cream that is used for various cuts and cracks. If you have an infant at home, then you should always keep a boroline handy. It is the best diaper rash cream.

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